United Nations: Open Science Conference 2021

2. Open Science Conference
21-23 luglio 2021

La seconda conferenza delle Nazioni Unite sulla Scienza aperta, From Tackling the Pandemic to Addressing Climate Change, accenderà i riflettori sulla connessione tra Open Science e Climate Action e metterà in evidenza le politiche nazionali, le iniziative e le infrastrutture di Open Science di tutto il mondo.

Responsabili politici, bibliotecari, editori e professionisti della ricerca si impegneranno in un dialogo pubblico incentrato su ciò che la Scienza Aperta ha imparato - e sta ancora imparando - dalla pandemia COVID-19 e come questo può essere applicato in azioni che affrontano la crisi climatica globale grazie alla integrazione tra scienza, tecnologia, politica e ricerca.

In collaborazione con la Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), la conferenza si impegnerà anche a favorire il dialogo tra leader, per promuovere le tematiche open nella ricerca e nella didattica, nell'ottica dell'Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite.

Concept Note

Per iscriversi

Registrazioni delle presentazioni

The Second United Nations Open Science Conference, From Tackling the Pandemic to Addressing Climate Change is organized by the United Nations Department of Global Communications, Dag Hammarskjöld Library and the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division of Sustainable Development Goals.

The conference will bring the global discussion on the connection between Open Science and Climate Action to the United Nations in New York and will highlight national and IGO policies and Open Science initiatives and infrastructures from around the world.

Policy makers, IGOs, librarians, publishers and research practitioners will engage into a public dialogue focusing on what Open Science has learned – and is still learning – from tackling COVID-19, and how this can be applied into actions addressing the global climate crisis, at the interface of science, technology, policy and research.

In cooperation with the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), the Conference will also engage with early career leaders advancing openness in research and education at a time of lockdowns, and has invited them into conversation with established leaders and policy makers in this key area for the UN 2030 Agenda.

Concept Note

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Ultimo aggiornamento 5 Agosto 2021