Barcelona Declaration on open research information

La Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information, pubblicata il 16 aprile 2024, accende i riflettori sulle informazioni di ricerca e il loro accesso aperto. 

By research information we mean information (sometimes referred to as metadata) relating to the conduct and communication of research. This includes, but is not limited to, (1) bibliographic metadata such as titles, abstracts, references, author data, affiliation data, and data on publication venues, (2) metadata on research software, research data, samples, and instruments, (3) information on funding and grants, and (4) information on organizations and research contributors. Research information is located in systems such as bibliographic databases, software archives, data repositories, and current research information systems.

I firmatari si impegnano ad assumere un ruolo guida nella trasformazione del modo in cui le informazioni di ricerca vengono utilizzate e prodotte.

Open research information enables science policy decisions to be made based on transparent evidence and inclusive data. It enables information used in research evaluations to be accessible and auditable by those being assessed. And it enables the global movement toward open science to be supported by information that is fully open and transparent.

La Dichiarazione si basa su 4 impegni per far sì che l’apertura delle informazioni sulla conduzione e la comunicazione della ricerca diventi la nuova norma:

  1. We will make openness the default for the research information we use and produce
  2. We will work with services and systems that support and enable open research information
  3. We will support the sustainability of infrastructures for open research information
  4. We will support collective action to accelerate the transition to openness of research information


Ultimo aggiornamento 17 Aprile 2024